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FusionCharts can also be rendered in Flash CS3/CS4 movies. To render charts in Flash CS3/CS4 you would need to use the pre-compiled chart SWF files from FusionCharts for Flex pack. Flash needs to loads these chart SWF files into the movie using help of loader class (named as FusionCharts) that we've built. The loader class is responsible for loading the charts, setting their properties like width, height, chart type, as well as passing data to the charts.

Please note that the loader class is present in Download Pack FusionCharts v3 (core) > Code > FlashExamples > CS3CS4 > com  > fusioncharts > components folder

Setting up

To create a chart in Flash CS3/CS4, first of all you need to download the FusionCharts for Flex pack, get the chart SWF files from the Charts folder of the FusionCharts for Flex Download Pack. Once downloaded,  you need to do the following:

  • Create a new Flash file using Flash CS3/CS4 and save it in location, say a folder called myCS3Chart
  • Set width and height of the Flash Document properties to 860 to 430 (as shown in the image below)
  • Save it in a location and create a new folder called fusioncharts in myCS3Chart folder
  • Copy the chart SWF files from Flex pack to fusioncharts folder
  • Copy com folder from Code > FlashExamples > CS3CS4 folder to myCS3Chart folder (this folder contains - the chart loader class)

Once done, let's move to create a small sample showing half-yearly sales in two charts:

We will create two charts, a Column chart and a Pie chart  showing sales data. The sales data (we named it SalesData.xml) in FusionCharts recognizable data-format looks like the following :

<chart caption='Half Yearly Sales Summary' subcaption='For the year 2008 - First Half' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Sales' numberPrefix='$'>
  <set label='Jan' value='17400' />   
  <set label='Feb' value='19800' />   
  <set label='Mar' value='21800' />   
  <set label='Apr' value='23000' />
  <set label='May' value='29000' />   
  <set label='June' value='27600' />

We keep the XML file in myCS3Chart folder.  To make the pie chart look different we change the caption to "share" and save the file as a new XML file named - PieData.xml in the same folder.

Thereafter, we will add the following code to the newly created Flash file's Layer 1:Frame 1 action:

//Import the FusionCharts Loader class
import com.fusioncharts.components.FusionCharts;
 * In this sample we will create two charts showing 
 * half yearly sales data. The first chart is a Column
 * chart showing sales figures in column. The same sales figures
 * are showing in a pie chart to visualize the share of revenue
//Instantiate FusionCharts class
var ColumnSalesSummary:FusionCharts = new FusionCharts();
//Set relative path of chart SWF folder
ColumnSalesSummary.FCFolder = "fusioncharts";
//Set chart type to Column3D
ColumnSalesSummary.FCChartType = "Column3D";
//Set URL of data. You can also specify XML string here for the property FCDataXML, instead.
ColumnSalesSummary.FCDataURL = "SalesData.xml";
//Set chart position, width and height
ColumnSalesSummary.x = 25;
ColumnSalesSummary.y = 50;
ColumnSalesSummary.FCChartWidth = 400;
ColumnSalesSummary.FCChartHeight = 240;
//Call to render the chart
//Add chart to display hierarchy
//Create the pie chart now. Same process.
//Instantiate FusionCharts class
var sharedPie:FusionCharts = new FusionCharts();
//Set chart SWF folder
sharedPie.FCFolder = "fusioncharts";
//Set chart type to pie
sharedPie.FCChartType = "Pie3D";
//Set chart data URL
sharedPie.FCDataURL = "PieData.xml";
//Set chart position, width and height
sharedPie.x = 430;
sharedPie.y = 50;
sharedPie.FCChartWidth = 400;
sharedPie.FCChartHeight = 240;
//Render chart
//Add chart to display hierarchy

In the above code we have done the following:

  • Imported FusionCharts loader class from com.fusioncharts.components
  • Created 2 instances of FusionCharts class - one each for Column and Pie chart
  • Configure each instance's chart type, source SWF folder path, width and height
  • Pass the chart data to the charts (for Column we pass SalesData.xml where as for Pie its PieData.xml which we have copied from SalesData.xml). This was done by setting FCDataURL property of the FusionCharts loader class. For setting XML as string, FCDataXML property can be used.
  • Render the charts
  • Finally, add the chart to display hierarchy using addChild() function

Once published, the movie will load up in HTML with the charts like the image shown below. If the charts do not show up, please make sure that you've enabled Flash-JavaScript communication for the folder in which you've compiled the files. This is necessary as ExternalInterface is used to communicate with the charts.

Note that the movie won't load the charts when you use Test Movie option from Control menu of Flash. You need to Publish and then load the movie from the published HTML file or embed it in any HTML file. This is because ExternalInterface doesn't work in Test Movie mode.

Advanced Note: FusionCharts does not provide class files for Flash CS3/CS4. It comes only as a group of SWF files which need to be loaded inside Flash movie using FusionCharts loader class.
FusionCharts loader class Developer Reference

FusionCharts loader class provides the following properties, methods and events:

Property Name Description
FCChartType This property lets you set the type of the chart. The list of all available chart types is given in 'List of Charts'  table below.
FCChartWidth This property lets you set the width of the chart. You need to specify the chart with as a number in pixels (without px).
FCChartHeight This property lets you set the height of the chart. You need to specify the chart height as a number in pixels (without px).
FCDataURL This property helps you to provide the path of your external XML file needed to build the chart.
FCDataXML It enables you to pass the entire chart XML as string.
FCDebugMode This attribute lets you open a debug window on top of chart. It takes either of the two value, true or false. If it is set to true, the debug window will open up. The default value is false.
FCFolder This attribute sets the folder where the chart SWF files are kept. By default, FusionCharts component assumes that the charts are present in "fusioncharts" folder Flash application files is present. But, the developer can always decide to keep the chart SWF files in some other folder. The value of this attribute would be a path relative to the application file's folder.
Example: "." - when the chart SWF files resides in the same folder as the Flash application file.
"myCharts" - charts are in a folder named "myCharts" inside the Flash application file's folder.
"resources\charts" - charts are in "charts" folder inside "resources" folder. The "resources" folder is placed in folder where Flash application file is present.
Method Name Parameters Description
dataURL:String This function updates chart XML from a file and renders the chart. The URL of the file is passed as String parameter - dataURL.
strXML:String This function updates chart XML from a string and renders the chart. The XML is passed as String parameter is passed as the parameter strXML.
FCRender():void   This function renders a chart. It can also update a chart after new chart data is set using FCData(), FCSetDataXML(), FCSetDataURL() methods or using FCDataURL, FCDataXML properties.
FCPrintChart():void   It prints the chart.
attributeName:String Returns the value of an attribute specified by the parameter.
FCGetCSVData():String   Returns the chart data-plot data as a CSV string.
FCGetSignature():String   Returns the version of the chart being used.
FCGetXMLData():String   Returns the XML data of the chart as a string.
FCExportChart(type:String, fileName:String):void type: String
fileName: String
Calls the export chart routine to save the chart as PDF/image. Parameters may be passed to override the export parameters initially specified by the XML. This function fires FCExported event.
Event Name Description
FCClickEvent Whenever a user clicks on a dataplot, which has link attribute that starts with 'S-', this event is triggered.
FCRenderEvent When the chart finishes rendering, this event is triggered.
FCLoadEvent This event is triggered after the chart data gets loaded completely before rendering starts.
FCExported This event is generated after the completion of the image export process.
FCDataLoadedEvent The event is dispatched after the chart data is loaded. The event is independent of the data source viz. FCData, FCDataXML, FCDataURL.
FCDataLoadErrorEvent This event is dispatched if the chart fails to load data. Generally caused due to invalid or empty data sources.
FCDataXMLInvalidEvent This event is generated if the data source does not conform to FusionCharts XML.
FCNoDataToDisplayEvent Whenever the dataset consists of just the root element without any additional data, this event is generated.
List of charts

Use the following available types of charts as FCChart property:

Chart Name Chart Type (value for FCChartType property) Chart File Name (SWF)
Single Series Charts
Column 2D Column2D  Column2D.swf
Column 3D Column3D  Column3D.swf
Pie 3D Pie3D  Pie3D.swf
Pie 2D Pie2D  Pie2D.swf
Line 2D Line  Line.swf
Area 2D Area2D  Area2D.swf
Bar 2D Bar2D  Bar2D.swf
Doughnut 2D Doughnut2D  Doughnut2D.swf
Doughnut 3D Doughnut3D  Doughnut3D.swf
Multi-series Charts
Multi-series Column 2D MSColumn2D  MSColumn2D.swf
Multi-series Column 3D MSColumn3D  MSColumn3D.swf
Multi-series Line 2D MSLine  MSLine.swf
Multi-series Area 2D MSArea  MSArea.swf
Multi-series Bar 2D MSBar2D  MSBar2D.swf
Multi-series Bar 3D MSBar3D  MSBar3D.swf
Stacked Charts
Stacked Column 2D StackedColumn2D  StackedColumn2D.swf
Stacked Column 3D StackedColumn3D  StackedColumn3D.swf
Stacked Area 2D StackedArea2D  StackedArea2D.swf
Stacked Bar 2D StackedBar2D  StackedBar2D.swf
Stacked Bar 3D StackedBar3D  StackedBar3D.swf
Combination Charts
3D Single Y Combination MSCombi3D  MSCombi3D.swf
2D Single Y Combination MSCombi2D  MSCombi2D.swf
2D Dual Y Combination MSCombiDY2D  MSCombiDY2D.swf
Column 3D Line (Single Y) Combination MSColumnLine3D  MSColumnLine3D.swf
Multi-series Column 3D Line Dual Y Combination MSColumn3DLineDY  MSColumn3DLineDY.swf
Stacked Column 3D Line Dual Y Combination StackedColumn3DLineDY  StackedColumn3DLineDY.swf
Scroll Charts
Scroll Column 2D ScrollColumn2D  ScrollColumn2D.swf
Scroll Line 2D ScrollLine2D  ScrollLine2D.swf
Scroll Area 2D ScrollArea2D  ScrollArea2D.swf
Scroll Stacked Column 2D ScrollStackedColumn2D  ScrollStackedColumn2D.swf
Scroll Combination 2D ScrollCombi2D  ScrollCombi2D.swf
Scroll Combination 2D Dual Y ScrollCombiDY2D  ScrollCombiDY2D.swf
XY Plot Charts
Scatter Scatter  Scatter.swf
Bubble Bubble  Bubble.swf